
Oh worm.

Hello? Hi? I wonder how you got here. This place is so... vast. It makes me feel very small. And since you're here and you'll probably stick around much more time, watching over myself, please let me tell you a secret so we can start getting close to one another: I kind of enjoy the feeling of being abrumated by giant spaces, by bodies bigger than mine, by long words, by immense promises.

I'll probably use this place as a diary, I guess. I'll tell you my neverending tales... Neverending is a big word, it's so comforting, so overwhelming, that's how I remember it though, because I'm already used to it, and it doesn't have the same effect now that it's been such a long time since I've come to terms with the fact that I'm forever chained to time. Time will never stop for me... no, I think it's better worded if I say that it will never start. The clock will never start tickling for me. It causes me great dread, so I'm looking foward to getting myself killed in some stage of my life in one way or another. I'm not sure how I'm going to do it (and sometimes I fear that it won't be possible), but it will be better for us both. So, luckily this wont get too long, I swear. Stay by my side, you are welcome, but be careful to not get too attached. ♥

What was this place called anyways? I really can't get the hang of it. This device I'm working with right now is like a portal to a whole different dimention which you can interact with without moving from your own place, but also it's intangible in every way. It's incredibly weird, and amusing. Everything stays still and you have access to archives from future and past. I could probably use that for my advantage, but now I'm too confused (and honestly feeling very lazy) to make something big out of this. Just the thought of not being alone is enough.

Please keep accompanying me

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