You already know what this card means, meaning can be seen all over it. The devil represents powerlessness, losing hope, feeling trapped, captive, dependence. You've been in Baphomet's place a lof of times, quietly sitting on your throne watching your victims unaware of their current situation, watching them struggling to understand their suffering while you're there so close to them, they could just turn and finally see the cause of their disgrace, but it never happens. Humans never want to acknowledge how prone they are to be tempted and manipulated by their own lust -which you offer to please-, that's why you always win.
However another thing that it must be understood about this card, is that The Devil is an illusion. The couple that is seen chained can run away anytime, break free whenever they want. The Devil is actually so weak by himself, The Devil only wins with the help of their victim's most wicked side. The devil is a parasite that leechs off your most obscure desires.
And you are now one of those chained to The Devil's throne. How the tables have turned, my little Mephistophiel, and your beloved is by your side. You already understood everything, and it's your turn to enlighten him yo run away together (even if you're going to separate after that). Why haven't you done that? Yes, you're still being tempted, just as the first time you've met Margaret. You still want to met Faust once again, to love him and make him smile and cry, you still want to kiss him before you take his life. You love to ruin his life, that's your nature, that's who you are, you can't escape that. How many times has he asked you for it and you have complied? When will you stop saying ''Only one more time, only one more day just let me keep him by my side''? Weren't you sick of satisfying The Devil?
You're wicked, perverted, heartless. You arleady faced The Devil, but you won't do anything about the freedom you've lost.
I'm so tired of trying to help you, just thinking about you makes me sick. Now I leave you on your own. Write some more if you want, you'll never get out of this hell.